Organics Power Generation SDN. BHD. is part of the Organics Group of companies, an international company with more than thirty years of experience in producing and using biogas from organic waste streams.


The Organics Group has designed, installed, and commissioned over 500 projects worldwide.


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Organics Power Generation SDN. BHD.

Innovation and Experience

Thirty years of engineering excellence

Innovation and Experience

Organics supplies high-quality pollution control systems for a range of differing waste streams. Particular strengths lie within the field of landfill engineering. The company also supplies one-off, purpose-built engineering solutions to a number of users dealing with specific pollution control problems. These have often required design from a basis of sound engineering knowhow. Organics supplies equipment for the following applications:

Anaerobic Digestion systems

Anaerobic digestion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) is a sustainable and environmentally friendly waste management process that addresses the challenges posed by the disposal of waste generated in the palm oil industry. POME is a byproduct of palm oil extraction and refining processes, rich in organic matter, suspended solids, and nutrients. If not properly treated, it can lead to significant pollution of water bodies and soil, causing detrimental effects on ecosystems and human health.

Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that takes place in an oxygen-free environment, where microorganisms break down the complex organic compounds present in POME into simpler compounds such as methane gas (biogas) and stable organic matter. The process occurs in several stages, each involving different types of microorganisms that work synergistically to decompose the organic materials.

The benefits of anaerobic digestion of POME are manifold:

Biogas Production: The methane-rich biogas produced during anaerobic digestion can be harnessed for energy generation, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Waste Reduction: The process significantly reduces the organic content of POME, minimizing the environmental impact associated with its disposal and potential contamination of water bodies and soil.

Nutrient Recovery: Digestate retains a portion of the nutrients present in the original POME, making it a valuable organic fertilizer.

Odor Control: Anaerobic digestion helps mitigate the foul odor associated with untreated POME, contributing to a healthier working environment.

Environmental Protection: Proper treatment of POME through anaerobic digestion prevents water pollution, protecting aquatic ecosystems and safeguarding public health.

Organics offers a comprehensive end-to-end service for the design and implementation of anaerobic systems for use on a variety of wastewater from industrial processes.

Biogas flaring systems

The control of biogas generated from anaerobic digestion or landfill sites often involves the use of flare stacks, designed to safely burn off the methane-rich biogas. Flares play a crucial role in managing biogas emissions and preventing the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.

In the context of anaerobic digestion, the biogas produced during the decomposition of organic waste is primarily composed of methane and carbon dioxide. Since methane is around 25 times more potent as a greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide, its controlled combustion via flare stacks helps mitigate its environmental impact. Similarly, in landfills, decomposing organic materials produce biogas that can be captured and directed to flare stacks to minimize methane emissions.

The benefits of using flare stacks for biogas control include:

Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Burning methane through flaring converts it into less harmful carbon dioxide, reducing the overall greenhouse gas emissions associated with biogas production.

Odour Mitigation: Flaring can help mitigate the odour associated with biogas, improving the local environment and reducing nuisances for nearby communities.

Safety and Compliance: Flaring eliminates the risk of uncontrolled methane release, which is both a safety hazard and a regulatory concern due to its potential impact on air quality and climate change.

Energy Recovery: While flaring primarily aims to control emissions, some flare systems incorporate energy recovery mechanisms that harness the heat generated during combustion for various on-site processes.

ORGANICS POWER GENERATION SDN. BHD., a part of the Organics Group of companies, has installed many flare systems globally.

Landfill gas control and utilisation

The Organics Group has designed and constructed landfill gas control systems around the world. These range from passive systems installed to provide a barrier between an old landfill site, to power generation installations.

Landfill gas control is a comprehensive approach to managing the emissions of gases generated during the decomposition of organic waste in landfills. As organic materials break down in landfills, they produce a mixture of gases known as landfill gas. This gas typically consists of varying proportions of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and trace amounts of other gases. Due to the potent greenhouse gas effect of methane, which is significantly more impactful than carbon dioxide in terms of trapping heat in the atmosphere, effective control measures are essential to mitigate environmental and health impacts.

Key components of landfill gas control include:

Gas Collection Systems: Landfill gas is collected using a network of wells, pipes, and extraction systems strategically installed throughout the landfill. These systems capture gas as it is generated, preventing its uncontrolled release into the atmosphere.

Gas Extraction and Treatment: Collected landfill gas is typically transported to a central location for processing. The gas may undergo treatment to remove moisture, contaminants, and other impurities that could interfere with its combustion or utilization.

Utilisation and Energy Generation: One common approach is to harness the potential energy in landfill gas. Methane can be extracted and used as a valuable fuel source for electricity generation, heating, or even as a renewable vehicle fuel. This not only prevents methane emissions but also provides an environmentally friendly energy source.

Landfill gas control plays a vital role in sustainable waste management, turning what was once considered a waste byproduct into a valuable resource while simultaneously reducing environmental impacts.

Organics Power Generation SDN. BDH. presents itself to the market, not solely on price, but as an organisation able to design and build specific equipment for specific applications, tailored to meet end-user expectations.

The staff of Organics is motivated to produce quality products for use in environmental engineering and renewable energy systems, as well as to provide our clients with effective consultancy that adds value to our clients’ businesses.

With installations successfully commissioned in many countries throughout Europe, Asia including Indonesia, Malaysia, and the USA, Organics has a proven track record in the sector. Organics also maintains a strong focus in Australia, New Zealand, and the Oceania region and offers high-quality products and services for renewable energy systems and equipment for environment protection.

Over Thirty Years of Experience

The Organics Group has over thirty years of experience in the development of projects related to environmental protection and the design, installation, and commissioning of renewable energy projects that use biogas as a means to generate energy and displace the use of fossil fuel.

Read more about our professional trajectory:


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